Publication details

Social changes and post-socialist nostalgia in the Czechoslovak countryside



Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The interest in changes in social life in the late socialist Czechoslovak countryside serves the starting point to understand some principles, on which continuity of rural communities is based. The doctoral research inspired by the principles of microhistory, the oral history method, the history of everyday life and the symbolic anthropology theory, gradually led to focus on issues, which overlap frame of the social life and the leisure time as the general interest of presented research. The necessity to focus on the principles of stability of the rural society persistent from pre-socialist times became clear to understand factors, which led to the relatively higher conformity of rural people to the socialist regime. It also offered the basis of understanding the recent post-socialist nostalgia. In the paper, several statements claiming from the research will be served and offered to a wider discussion about the present impact of the transformation of the Czechoslovak countryside during the socialist era involved not only by politics but also by the processes of modernization.
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