Publication details

Eko poplatky a státní příspěvek při vyřazení autovraku ve světle zákona o odpadech a navrhované právní úpravy

Title in English Financial instruments which are connected to disposal of car wreckages


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Správní právo
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access časopisu
Keywords Automotive; Waste; Vehicles; Car wreckages; Act on waste
Attached files
Description Act no. 185/2001 Coll., on waste contains financial instruments which are connected to disposal of car wreckages. These instruments are: state incentive for buying new vehicle and fee for financing additional car wreckage handling. Ministry of the Environment introduced new legislative proposal (Act on selected goods with terminated lifetime period and amending certain other laws) in Autumn 2017 but this proposal was later withdrawn. However, it can be expected that future legislation will be inspired by this proposal. The aim of this article is to ascertain whether these financial instruments are contained in legislative proposal of Act on selected goods with terminated lifetime period and amending certain other laws.

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