Publication details

Příklady dobré praxe – mezioborové projekty hudební a výtvarné výchovy

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Title in English Examples of good practice – Interdisciplinary projects of Music and Art Education


Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Music and Art are integrated into the educational area of Art and Culture as compulsory subjects, so they should integrate fully in the development of the child. In practice, we can see that they are still underestimated, the contents of some lessons are even in direct contradiction to the framework given by the National Curriculum. It is necessary to educate pedagogues to be aware of the irreplaceable role of art education, which enables pupils not only to acquire new knowledge and skills, but also to express emotions and subjective views of the world. In the context of the reality of Music and Art, activities were offered, which were first verified in the framework of didactic preparation. Their progress and outputs can become an inspiration for schools with practical innovation. The contribution follows the authors' research, implemented within the project "Improving the quality of pupils' education, development of key competences, areas of education and literacy".
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