Publication details

Filmári verzus Audiovizuálny fond : Štúdia inštitúcie perspektívou ekonomických ukazovateľov, diskurzu o nej a jej vzťahov s filmovými profesionálmi

Title in English Filmmakers Versus Slovak Film Fund : Study of an Institution from the Economic Perspective and from the Perspective of Public Discourse

VLČEK Miroslav

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Iluminace : časopis pro teorii, historii a estetiku filmu
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords documentary film; fund film support policies; public discourse; Slovakia; documentary; film fund; film support policies; public discourse
Attached files
Description This study focuses on the Slovak Film Fund as a main funding option for Slovak film professionals. The film fund was created in 2009 and since then it has supported hundreds of projects: fiction movies, documentaries, animations but also reconstructions of cinemas, research project, etc. Since the beginning of the fund examples showing asymmetry in relations between filmmakers and the institution has come up and they can be traced in public discourse. This study provides deeper insight into how this discourse of asymmetry is created and how it reflects upon relations between filmmakers and the public institution of Slovak Film Fund. This discourse can also give rise to a movement that can call for the dissolution of the whole funding system as recent events indicate. This study has also shown that even clear formal criteria for choosing projects that are to be supported can in conclusion lead to a not so clear decision-making process.
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