Publication details

Comparing Digital Progress in Belgium and the Czech Republic



Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of 10th annual international scientific conference COMPETITION
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords digital economy; Digital Economy and Society Index; comparative analyses; Belgium; Czech Republic
Description This paper deals with the digital economy comparison of Belgium and the Czech Republic in 2017. The comparison was made on the basis of the Digital Economy and Society Index, which was introduced by the European Commission for evaluating the progress of economic development of individual EU member countries. Selected countries were compared in the scope of five basic dimensions of the DESI indicators (connectivity, human capital, Internet usage, digital technology integration and digital public services) and its sub-dimensions. The research confirmed a better position of Belgium over the Czech Republic as expected. Connectivity and digital technology integration dimensions in the business sphere are Belgium’s strongest dimensions. The same applies for the Czech Republic along with the human capital dimension. The Czech Republic has weak position as compared to other EU member countries in digital public services and Internet usage dimensions.
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