Publication details

Tvůrčí vývoj Josefa Suka v proudu moderny

Title in English Josef Suk's Creative Progress in the Stream of Modern Styles


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Philosophica. Philosophica- Aesthetica. Musicologica Olomucensia.
web Tvůrčí vývoj Josefa Suka v proudu moderny
Keywords Josef Suk; Vladimír Helfert; Czech music; Czech modernism; late romanticism; impressionism; expressionism; Vítězslav Novák; Antonín Dvořák
Description The study deals with the progress of the works by Josef Suk the composer (1874-1935) and its context with Czech and European modern music of the time. The goal is to show the dynamics of Suk's compositional progress, his creative struggles, stylistic means, and their significance for Czech music. The study is an attempt to answer the question, whether - or how - was Suk a representative of artistic modernity of his time, or stayed in tradition.
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