Publication details

Metody počítačového testování kognitivního stylu

Title in English Computer-based testing methods of cognitive style


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kognícia a umelý život 2019
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords cognitive style; analytic and holistic thinking; methods
Description The contribution analyzes possibilities of computer-based testing of cognitive styles, specifically the most used methods of cross-cultural and cognitive psychology: Cognitive Style Analysis test (CSA), Navon test and Framed-Line test (FLT). The contribution also contains test stimuli of Change-Blindness Static test (CBS) and Figure and Background test (FAB). Moreover, perceptual and cognitive similarities and differences of each method, their advantages and disadvantages as well as their relations to the theory of analytic and holistic cognitive style are discussed. The part of the contribution is also a brief introduction to the modified versions of the aforementioned methods implemented on SW Hypothesis and comparison of paper-pencil and computer-based testing in the context of cross-cultural research.
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