Publication details

Low-cost pencil graphite-based electrochemical detector for HPLC with near-coulometric efficiency



Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sensors and Actuators B
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

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Keywords Pencil graphite electrode; Microelectrode array; HPLC; Electrochemical detection; Electrochemical flow cell
Description A concentric thin layer cell accommodating a non-standard 0.2mm diameter pencil graphite disposable working electrode is described. The cell was installed into HPLC manifold as an electrochemical detector. Trouble-free operation in mobile phases containing both low and high content of organic solvents is demonstrated by HPLC analyses of phenolic acids and tocopherol isomers. The data obtained from HPLC separation of model mixtures of gentisic, caffeic and dihydrocaffeic acids show a remarkable electrolytic efficiency exceeding 80% at 200, and 50% at 500microL min-1, while for gentisic acid the limit of detection (LOD) was 0.4 nmol L-1 at 20 microliter sample loading (8 fmol on-column). Similar performances were found in non-aqueous mobile phase, where a LOD of 0.8 nmol L-1 was achieved for delta-tocopherol. The developed flow-through detector is designed to allow easy replacement of pencil graphite working electrode in a highly reproducible manner. The relative standard deviation for the HPLC analysis of tocopherol isomers was of 5.3% (n = 3, C = 500 nmol L-1). The combination of simple construction, excellent electrochemical performance and hydrodynamics identical to that of commercial UV-VIS HPLC detector suggests that the proposed device is a viable low-cost alternative to commercially available electrochemical detectors.

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