Publication details

Aplikovatelnost online dispute resolution v podmínkách justice

Title in English Applicability of Online Dispute Resolution in Terms of Justice


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Soudní rozhledy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Repozitář MU
Keywords ODR; justice
Attached files
Description The modern technologies are continuously influencing the area of law, which is forced to deal with them. In relation with the implementation of such technologies for the various reasons we can think about their applicability within the justice. Such a situation can be represented by a possibility to solve the disputes online (online disputes resolution), or - generally speaking - the usage of the Internet within the justice. With some exaggeration, one can say that it is a change of the traditional trial, which could be done exclusively with the use of the information and communication technologies. The online dispute resolution itself has its advantages as well as disadvantages, especially in terms of implementation itself. Therefore, in the context of the justice and especially in the application of the Czech legal order, this institute is outlined with the possibilities, advantages, disadvantages and appeals to the judiciary regarding the applicability of online dispute resolution.
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