Publication details

Unusual puzzle – retention properties of nucleobases and nucleotides as elements for retention model of ultrashort oligonucleotides



Year of publication 2019
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation TOMICZKOVÁ, Petra, Miroslava BITTOVÁ and Jan HAVLIŠ. Unusual puzzle – retention properties of nucleobases and nucleotides as elements for retention model of ultrashort oligonucleotides. In Česka chromatografická škola - HPLC 2019. 2019.
Description To construct functional model of sequence-dependent separation of ultrashort oligonucleotides in HILIC, we have to consider linear contribution of partial structures (nucleobase, ribose, monophosphate) to overall retention. Within the problem, we consider the nucleobase and phosphate to have the highest impact. To optimally analyse the retention behaviour of ultrashort oligonucleotides in regard to their structure, we have acquired retention factors of individual nucleobases (U, T, A, G a C) and respective nucleotide monophosphates (NMP) under defined conditions, i.e. constant content of organic component (80% ACN), variable pH (1 – 6) and TEAP concentration (20 and 100 mM).

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