Publication details

Metropole Střední Evropy a jejich postavení v síti vysokorychlostních tratí.

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Title in English Metropolises of Central Europe and its position in the high-speed raiways network


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník z XXII. Mezinárodního kolokvia o regionálních vědách
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords high-speed railways - labour mobility - metropolises
Description The paper deals with the system links between metropolises of supranational significance and the development of the high-speed railways network, which is an important factor in the desirable deepening of integration of the defined Central European macroregion. For this purpose, the original metropolises assessment methodology (reflecting the post-industrial phase of social development) based on three components: population size, economic profile and business attractiveness was used. In total, 27 metropolises were identified, which were then divided into three hierarchical types: the dominant, established and elementary metropolises. Types of metropolises to a large extent correspond to their current status in high-speed railways networks. Then the planned intentions for the construction of high-speed railways in the Czech Republic are discussed. From a broader practical point of view, it can be stated that the preference of evidence-based approaches to assessing the potential benefits of high-speed railways construction over administrative approaches is an effective tool for elimination of weaknesses identified by the European Court of Auditors' of selected high-speed railways in the EU.
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