Publication details

Funkce vložené autorské pohádky ve fantasy trilogii Vesely Flamburariové

Title in English Functions of embedded author fairy tale by Vesela Flamburari


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Fiatal Szlavisták Budapesti Nemzetközi Konferenciája VII. ELTE BTK Szláv és Balti Filológiai Intézet, Budapest.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords author fairy tale; fantasy; Vesela Flamburari
Description The contribution is focused on the fantasy trilogy by Bulgarian writer for children and youth Vesela Flamburari - Mina, spells and white cup (2015), Mina and magic divination (2016) and Mina and mystery of magic. The author's fairy tales used in an unusual way to have not only a slowing effect on the storyline, but also they create a new mythical fictional world with four higher beings.
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