Publication details

Study of thermal stability of p-type skutterudites DD0.7Fe3CoSb12 by Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry

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ZELENKA František BROŽ Pavel VŘEŠŤÁL Jan BURŠÍK Jiří ROGL Gerda GRYTSIV Andríy ROGL Peter Franz

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source RSC Advances
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web p-type skutterudites DD0.7Fe3CoSb12
Keywords thermoelectrics; skutterudites; stability; phase analysis; mass spectrometry
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Description The temperature and phase stability of p-type skutterudites, DD0.7Fe3CoSb12, manufactured via various preparation techniques, all exhibiting a high ZT-level, have been studied by means of thermal analysis and Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry. The results from phase transformation measurements and characteristics of evaporation of antimony, as the volatile element, supported by microstructure observations and by diffusion profiles are summarized and discussed in view of a full understanding of the degradation processes and knowledge on long term operation stability of the bulk and nano-structured thermoelectrics studied. It was found out that the antimony evaporation is a complex diffusion kinetic process resulting in a stable Sb level dependent on the preparation route. The studied p-type skutterudites, DD0.7Fe3CoSb12, have proven their long term stability in thermoelectric devices at maximum operation temperature of 600°C. Complementary data on structural, physical and mechanical properties of the materials are presented as well.
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