Publication details

Veřejné zakázky v oblasti ICT a problém závislosti zadavatele na dodavateli

Title in English Vendor lock-in at ICT public procurement


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Revue pro právo a technologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access časopisu
Keywords ICT public procurement; vendor lock-in; contracting authority; contractor; selection criteria; contract award criteria; competitive procedure without prior publication; data migration
Attached files
Description Vendor lock-in is a frequent phenomenon at ICT public procurement. Dealing with this negative phenomenon is not easy because it often presents the necessity of dealing with the conflict of the individual purposes of public procurement regulation. This article aims to provide the theoretical basis for reducing the occurrence of the vendor lock-in. It describes, among other issues, forms of the vendor lock-in, their projections, legal possibilities to prevent this phenomenon and its subsequent solutions. The article also deals with data migration and proposes partial changes of the current legal regulation.
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