Publication details

FLORIDI, Luciano (ed.). The Routledge handbook of philosophy of information. Routledge, 2016. 429 s. ISBN 978-1-315-75754-4.


ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2019
Type Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description One of the most comprehensive books on information science with a strong philosophical outreach is undoubtedly The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Information from 2016, edited by Floridi. It offers a varied range of authors dealing with the questions of information in a comprehensive mosaic: what information is, how we can consider its semantic or truthfulness, or what role information plays in literature and other areas. Although some chapters are associated with more demanding logical formalism, the book as a whole presents a clear delimitation of key topics in information science as such and an answer to the question of why it would be wrong to separate information science from philosophy. In the case of this book, it does not have the character of something detached from life, but on the contrary fulfills a very practical task of understanding the world from a more general synthesizing point of view.

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