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Active learning: Something we all have to get used to

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Year of publication 2019
Type Popularization text
MU Faculty or unit

Rector's Office

Description In the commented Chapter STUDENT PAIR WORK AS A TOOL TO PROMOTE ACTIVE LEARNING AMONG STUDENTS IN KOSOVO, Shpend Voca attempts to break the cycle of student passivity that goes hand in hand with lecturing as the dominant form of teaching. The aim of his teaching innovation was to increase the quantity and quality of student contributions during the teaching process and the methodology he used to achieve this goal was having students work in pairs. My comments focus on other part of the process: We as a teachers also need to learn to implement new skills such as leading open, moderated and closed discussions. The reward will not only be better learning outcomes for our students, but also that we will become active teachers because we are engaged in dialogues with students. This is, I believe, well worth the effort.
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