Publication details

Synchrony and moral hypocrisy

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CHVAJA Radim LANG Martin KUNDT Radek

Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description During the history of religious studies, some scholars have speculated that religions bind people into moral communities. One mechanism of such binding effect seems to be movement synchrony, which is often performed during religious collective activities. Synchrony bonding effects have been comprehensively studied in recent years. However, the mechanisms that increase in-group social bonding are argued to have the opposite effect toward out-group members. Moreover, the morality in synchrony studies has been conceptualized primarily as cooperation or social bonding, not in relation to moral judgments. Therefore, we asked whether movement synchrony may influence the judgments of synchronized partner’s moral transgression against a non-synchronized person. Based on the social intuitionist model of moral judgement and building on previous research in moral hypocrisy, we predicted that participants will judge transgression of their synchrony partners less harshly than participants in asynchrony and control conditions. In the presentation, we will report on the results.
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