Publication details

Beraunit – minerál s bohatou historií

Title in English Beraunite - a mineral with a eventful history


Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description At present, 5.5 thousand recognized mineral species are known worldwide. One of them - beraunite - bears the name of the town of Beroun (or its German form). The type locality is the historic Hrbek mine near Svatá Dobrotivá in the village of Zaječov. In the Czech Republic, beraunite has also been found in other localities of Ordovician iron ores between Beroun and Rokycany (Cerhovice, Krušná Hora) and, together with other phosphates, also in cracks in the paleoryolite in Těškov. It is also mentioned as a supergene phase of phosphate accumulation in the deposit Sn-W ores Krásno-Horní Slavkov, in the granite in Přibyslavice, in the pegmatites in Otov and Dolní Bory. Beraunite was described from metamorphosed iron ores and quartzites in Černovice near Tábor, in Poniklá near Jilemnice and in Morašice in the Iron Mountains.

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