Publication details

Larroque Art Festival 2019 (prezentace v katalogu)


KŘÍŽ Šimon

Year of publication 2019
Type Presentation of art
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

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Description Anotace Presentation of author's videos (APO, HURT, FROZEN) in the catalogue titled LAF 2019 - Surface / Support published by Kenneth G. Hay.‘ In my videos, I am working on the subject of the visual message and its ambiguity. I use digital technology - a projection of videos on different surfaces - the human face, wall, etc. The doubling of visual perception opens the viewer the possibility of interpretation according to his own needs. The common denominator of my videos is to support the courage to cope with difficult life situations (Frozen, Apo, Hurt). All three videos have the ambition to be the visualized support for the themes typical of today - self-knowledge and self-acceptance. My goal is to evoke these life situations in the viewer and make him feel his life.
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