Publication details

Crystal chemistry of Pb-rich tourmaline

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Year of publication 2019
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

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Description The Minh Tien pegmatite in northern Vietnam is an elbaite-subtype granitic pegmatite with a mixed LCT+NYF geochemical signature. Tourmaline composition corresponds to fluor-liddicoatite, fluor-elbaite, and rarely also a Pb-analogue of fluor-liddicoatite. The primary lead enrichment in tourmaline is related to alteration of amazonite. Textural relations show that the Pb-rich tourmaline (Tur 1) formed together with lepidolite during metasomatic albitization of K-feldspar, and the further three generations formed during hydrothermal reaction of Li,B,F-rich fluids with Tur 1, K-feldspar and albite.
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