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Predátoři suchozemských plžů aneb Co prozradí prázdné ulity o osudu svých bývalých majitelů

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Title in English Predators on Land Snails: What the Empty Shells Reveal about the Fates of Their Former Owners


Year of publication 2019
Type Popularization text
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Although land snails serve as food for many predators, rather little is known about the intensity of predation on land-snail populations and communities. The shell – being the main defence strategy against predation – needs to be interfered with by a predator for it to reach its prey. In a calcium-rich environment, snail shells persist for a long time and thus provide a valuable source of information in the form of the external and internal damage left by predators. These specific marks can be used to identify a particular predator, as well as to estimate predation pressure on snails. This approach allows us to easily reconstruct the food preferences of individual predators.
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