Publication details

Mineralogie lepidolitového pegmatitu Lhenice I

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Title in English Mineralogy of the lepidolite-subtype pegmatite Lhenice I


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical (without peer review)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The Lhenice pegmatite lies in the southern part of the moldanubian zone and it is a member of the South-Bohemian pegmatite field that includes pegmatites Lhenice II, Nová Ves and Chvalovice I and II (Novák & Cempírek, 2010). The locality is characterised by presence of high-grade metamorphic rocks. Based on the available mineral samples, the pegmatite was determined as a rare-element LCT pegmatite enriched in volatile elements like Li, P, F, Nb, Ta, Cs, Rb, Sn. The pemgatite is divided into 5 textural zones: graphic, granitic, blocky, Qtz-Ms-Ab and Ab-Lpd. In the each zone, three generations of tourmaline are found: primary, recrystallized and metasomatic. Towards the pegmatite core, contents of Na, F and Li increase. Tourmaline with higher contets of Na and F is typically metasomatic. Recently, a significant proportion of oxy-tourmalines was found in all pegmatite zones. Micas are abundant in all pegmatite, muscovite overgrown by two generations of lepidolite is typical in the Qtz-Ms-Ab zone. Columbite is present in four generations with variable amount of tantalite component. All generations are manganocolumbite, only one grain in cassiterite is manganotantalite. Cassiterite occurs in two generations: primary and recrystallized.
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