Publication details

Přínos vzdělávací oblasti Umění a kultura pro rozvoj dítěte

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Title in English The Contribution to the Educational Area of Art and Culture Relating to the Development of children


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Gramotnost, pregramotnost a vzdělávání
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Art Education; Framework Educational Programme for Primary schools; competencies; literacy; educational area Arts and Culture; interdisciplinary; innovation
Description The role of Art and Culture in the development of a child can be understood very differently. For example, Compulsory Education defines the aims of the Art and Culture field, but they often differ greatly from the ideas and experiences of the general public, including some parents of children. Opportunities need to be created to improve not only the content of Art and Music Education, both are part of the mandatory educational area, but also to clarify their contribution in order to appreciate their importance in the Education and development of the child, but not only in Primary Education. The contribution follows the authors' research, implemented within the project "Improving the quality of pupils' education, development of key competences, areas of education and literacy".
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