Publication details

K pojmové nejednotnosti porušení zabezpečení/bezpečnosti osobních údajů v českém právu

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Title in English The terminological inconsistency of personal data breach in the Czech law

KASL František

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Universitatis Carolinae/Iuridica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access časopisu
Keywords personal data breach; GDPR
Attached files
Description The contribution compares the terminology of current and previous Czech and European personal data protection law from the perspective of the use of two possible Czech terms for the personal data breach. Firstly, the pattern of the use of these legal terms is analysed with regard to the relevant legal framework and the difference or overlay of their normative content is assessed. The identified disparities within or between the core laws are assessed on the European level first based on the comparison of the language versions and then also in broader context. The conclusion of the contribution is a structured argumentation in favour of one of the terms.
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