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Self-domesticated by violence to be peaceful. And violent [review]

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Year of publication 2019
Type Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Book review of Wrangham, R. (2019). The goodness paradox: How evolution made us both more and less violent. London: Profile Books. In comparison to other species, humans are both surprisingly peaceful in their day to day interactions with unrelated conspecifics, and unprecedently violent toward them when the situation requires it. A goodness paradox, as Wrangham dubs this strange relationship of humankind to violence, is the theme of his latest book (2019) attempting to comprise decades of research into a coherent theory of aggressive behavior focused on humans. Drawing on his expertise in primatology, Wrangham presents an evolutionary theory that not only expands contemporary thinking about human behavior but also challenges and refines several crucial notions of human evolution.
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