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Title in English How effective are childhood obesity prevention projects?

FIALA Jindřich KAŇOVÁ Pavlína KOTALOVÁ Lucie

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Výživa a potraviny
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords child overweight; child obesity; obesity prevention; prevention projects; effectiveness
Description The aim was to evaluate globally the effectiveness of projects against childhood obesity, and to review the situation in the Czech Republic. 19 systematic reviews and meta-analyses were found. Of the 8 prevention reviews, 5 found the projects effective, of the 7 focused on therapy, they were 4, and out of the 4 combined, 2 evaluated the projects as effective. Even in cases of effective interventions, high heterogenity, risk of bias, and low quality of evidence were detected. Since Czech projects do not meet meta-analysis criteria, and often do not include outputs, they do not appear in the publication databases, and general searches need to be used. We managed to find 20 projects in the Czech Republic. Only 2 include weight indicators as output, and 2 at least nutritional change assessments. Most projects in the Czech Republic do not contain any adequate effect assessment.
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