Publication details

Kompozita s prefixoidem euro- v českých a ruských publicistických textech : kontrastivní pohled

Title in English Composites with the prefixoid euro- in Czech and Russian journalistic texts : a contrastive view


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proměna jazyka a jeho výzkumu v době nových médií a technologií : Sborník z Konference studentů českého jazyka 2013 (Brno 4. 10. 2013)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords prefixoid euro-/jevro-; journalistic style; Internet language; corpus; ČNK; NKRJA
Description The article deals with the usage of prefixoid euro- (jevro-) in contemporary Czech and Russian journalistic texts. The basis for our observations are the corpora of Czech (Czech National Corpus – Český národní korpus) and Russian (Russian National Corpus – Nacional’nyj korpus russkogo jazyka) languages. We observe in which types of compounds the prefixoids are used. The situation is compared with dictionaries (old and new) of both Czech and Russian languages and with the situation on the Internet.

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