Publication details

UHP kyanite eclogite associated with garnet peridotite and diamond-bearing granulite, northern Bohemian Massif

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Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Lithos
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Eclogite; Ultrahigh-pressure; Subduction; Garnet zoning; Thermobarometry; Bohemian Massif
Description Kyanite eclogites enclosed in garnet peridotites may provide important information on P-T evolution of orogenic peridotites in deep subduction and collision zones. Kyanite eclogite interlayered with garnet peridotite occurs in the borehole T-7, in the Saxothuringian basement of the northern part of the Bohemian Massif. This orogenic peridotite of mantle origin is associated with felsic granulites, which contain diamond as a consequence of deep subduction of the continental crust. Here, we report on the metamorphic evolution of kyanite eclogite, which shows a well-preserved peak-pressure mineral assemblage of garnet, omphacite, kyanite and phengite. Conventional geothermobarometry, average PT method and thermodynamic modelling constrain the metamorphic conditions of this assemblage up to 3.5-4.5 GPa at 900-1050 degrees C. Two compositional types of garnet, i.e., Mg-rich and Ca-rich, have been recognised. Thermodynamic modelling shows that the composition of Ca-rich garnet with X-Ca (0.35-037) in the core corresponds to stability of garnet at 3.5-4.5 GPa. Amphibole and zoisite are preserved as inclusions in garnet cores, and they are stable below 2.5 GPa, indicating that garnet grew at the expense of these phases at increasing P-T conditions during the prograde evolution of the rock. A post-peak metamorphism decompression and cooling are recorded by decrease of Ca-Eskola end-member in omphacite, drop in X-Mg and X-Grs at garnet rim and a very restricted formation of pargasitic amphibole in the matrix. The absence of symplectites after omphacite in the investigated eclogite may be due to a very low content of quartz and possibly also fluid in the rock. Our study suggests that kyanite-bearing eclogite underwent UHP metamorphism as a consequence of subduction, together with interlayered garnet peridotite. Both rocks were incorporated into the subducted continental crust (diamond-bearing granulites) during the Variscan orogeny.
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