Publication details

Problem-Solving or Narrative Approach to Mediation?



Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Papers of Social Pedagogy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access časopisu
Keywords conflict; mediation; narrative mediation; problem-solving mediation
Attached files
Description Mediation is a one of the well-known forms of alternative dispute resolution and is commonly used for solving conflicts in social work. Following introduction, where the mediation is put in social context, authors introduce readers to different approaches to mediation specifically to narrative mediation in comparison with mediation focused on solving problems. These approaches have different theoretical bases, mediation processes and aims and, therefore, their utilization is appropriate in distinct situations and areas of social work. In the conclusion these different approaches are compared to each other. While the narrative mediation is concerned with relationships and belongs to therapeutic style, the problem-solving approach to mediation falls into negotiating style and is concerned with reaching an agreement between parties of the conflict. If there is a need to solve the actual problem, the mediation focused on solving problems seems more fitting. If there is a need to understand and solve relationships between parties of the conflict, then the narrative mediation may be recommended.

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