Publication details

Civilní proces na brněnské právnické fakultě mezi světovými válkami

Title in English Civil Procedure at Masaryk University Faculty of Law between World Wars


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access časopisu
Keywords Civil Procedure; Masaryk University; Faculty of Law; Pure Law Doctrine; Legal Proceedings
Attached files
Description The article deals with personalities who have devoted themselves to civil procedure law in the Faculty of Law of Masaryk´s University from its foundation until its temporary abolition shortly after the Second World War. The subject of the paper is a brief outline of the life and work of František Vážný, Adolf Procházka, Karel Gerlich and Hynek Bulín jr. While Vážný remained a legal practitioner, the three last mentioned authors, under the influence of František Weyr and his pure law doctrine, tried to project this theory into the civil procedure. The article also observes the concept of legal proceedings, from which the representatives of this theory relied, and the responses they received in the literature.

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