Publication details

"The two old bachelors" de Edward Lear : étude sémantique et traductologique

Title in English “The Two Old Bachelors” by Edward Lear : a semantic and traductological analysis

CUSIMANO Christophe Gérard L.

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Vestnik za tuje jezike
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Edward Lear; Two Old Bachelors; Victorian; nonsense; absurd; semantics; traductology; homonymy; Hersant
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Description The aim of this article is to describe from a semantic point of view Edward Lear's poetic short text entitled “The Two Old Bachelors” (from Laughable lyrics, a fourth book of nonsense poems, songs, botany, music, etc., 1877) translated into French exactly a century after it was published by Patrick Hersant (Edward Lear - Nonsense, 1977). In addition to a properly semantic analysis of the original English version of the poem and what makes it an absurd text, we wish to show on the basis of this preparatory study how Patrick Hersant addressed the traductological dilemma he was confronted with: indeed, a part of the absurd aspect of the text is based on the homonymy. Confronted with this difficulty, the translator delivered an interpretation that is very little faithful to the original.
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