Publication details

Softwarové umenie optikou teórie znaku a kódu. Počítačový kód ako nositeľ kultúrneho významu.

Title in English Software art from the perspective of the sign and code theory. Computer code as a bearer of cultural significance.


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source JOINME: Journal of Interactive Media
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords sign - interpretation - (computer) code - software art - language of software - semiotics
Description Software art as an artistic discipline uses a wide range of communicational strategies through which it attempts to point out to aesthetics of own artistic material, which is code. Presented text thinks of software art as a literary work that can be read and interpreted as a poetic construct. Surface analysis, some of the canonical software artworks falling into the category of codeworks will focus on ways of how software artwork mediate communication between users and agents who participate in its creation process and presentation. These artworks are viewed from the perspective of semiotics as the science about signs investigating how objects or images take on meaning.

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