Publication details

Soudní přezkum rozhodnutí zdravotních pojišťoven

Title in English Judicial review of health insurance companies' decisions


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Časopis zdravotnického práva a bioetiky
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access časopisu
Keywords judicial review; health insurance companies; administrative decision
Attached files
Description If any issue attracts the attention of the legal public in the area of judicial review of decisions of health insurance companies, it is primarily an inconsistent attitude of administrative courts to decisions on reimbursement of otherwise non-reimbursed health services pursuant to Sec. 16 of Act No. 48/1997 Coll. on Public Health Insurance. On the basis of suggestions arising primarily from the decisions of the Municipal Court in Prague and the Supreme Administrative Court, or possibly the Constitutional Court, this paper notes three areas of problems, namely the term decision of the administrative authority pursuant to Sec. 65 of the Code of Administrative Justice, participation in the proceedings for an action against a decision of an administrative authority, and finally a procedural succession. The purpose is not to give a definitive solution to these problems, but to contribute to the discussion with further arguments, and also to place the problem in the wider context of legislation and case law.

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