Publication details

Computer Graphic Re-visited & Vasulka Kitchen Brno : Past and Present of New Media Art in Brno

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Year of publication 2020
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Description The lecture introduces two milestones of new media art history in Brno, Czech Republic. It will start with one of the very first exhibitions of computer art worldwide which took place in the Brno House of Arts in 1968. This little-known exhibition will be described both from the historiographical perspective, and from the point of view of it reconstruction using fully immersive virtual reality system (2017, 2018). The second milestone to be introduced is an opening of Vašulka Kitchen Brno – Center of New Media Art (2018) dedicated to the work and legacy of pioneers of video art: Brno native Woody Vašulka and his wife Steina. Beside information about the center and its mission, the research project using machine learning to deal with content of the archive, and to test potential of these new tools for research, and mediation of the Vasulkas work and poetics to the contemporary audience will be discussed. Vašulka Kitchen Brno
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