Publication details

Znalostní management. Reflexe a konstrukce ke vzniku znalostí: Data – informace – znalost. Distanční studijní opora.

Title in English Knowledge management. Reflexions and constructions to knowledge creation: Data - information - knowledge

BORN Rainer BORN Eva

Year of publication 2019
Type Teaching aids, texts (including individual chapters in textbooks)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description Enterprises differ in the ways how they generate, communicate, and argue knowledge. However, these different methods have a long-term impact on the relative performance of the organization, as they influence the outcomes of organization members’ decisions and actions. This publication studies the underlying patterns in the methods which effective, flexible, and innovative organizations use to create, communicate, and argue their knowledge. The goal of the publication is to map contemporary research in this field and thereby support the idea that the combination of knowledge management and careful human resources management is imperative for creating and updating effective approaches to fulfilling the original tasks of knowledge management, i.e. to support the long-term performance of the organization through supporting flexibility and innovativeness.

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