Publication details

Požadavky práva EU na účinné trestání v ochraně životního prostředí

Title in English EU Requirements on Effective Sanctions in Environmental Protection


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source České právo životního prostředí : časopis České společnosti pro právo životního prostředí
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access časopisu
Keywords Court of Justice; case law; criminal liability; effective and proportionate and dissuasive penalties
Description This article analyses case law of the Court of Justice (CJEU) with particular interest in various aspects of administrative and criminal liability and requirements on effective sanctions in environmental protection (judgments in cases C-624/17, Tronex; C-585/10, Moller; C-487/17, Verleza and others; C-129/16, Túrkevei Tejtermelo Kft.). The criteria of effectiveness, proportionality and dissuasiveness are described on examples from the fields of waste management (C-494/01, Commission v. Ireland), transport of waste (C-487/14, Total Waste Recycling; C-69/15, Nutrivet) and registration of chemicals (T-177/12, Spraylat v. ECHA; T-392/13, La Ferla v. Commission and ECHA; C-535/15, Pinckernelle). Furthermore, a brief summary of all the recent CJEU case law is provided.
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