Publication details

East and South Africa : Spillover Effect of Conflicts



Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Conflict Studies Quarterly
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web č. 20/2020 - open access
Keywords Conflict; Cooperation; Neighboring state; Security; Spillover effect; War
Attached files
Description The article aims to present four conflicts in East and South Africa that spilled over into neighboring states. The article covers a limited period of time from the end of the Cold War to the present and focuses on the area of East and South Africa. All these conflicts are briefly introduced and the author concentrates mainly on the description of the spillover effect (it includes, for example, the phase of the confllict in which the confllict spilled over to a neighboring state, timing, interconnection or cooperation of armed groups). The most important goal of the article is to analyze conditions based on conflict theories and spillover effect theories that led to the spillover into these states and compare them with other neighboring states, where the conflicts did not occur.

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