Publication details

Fauna svrchní jury na Hádech u Brna, Česká republika

Title in English The Upper Jurassic fauna of the Hády Hill at Brno, Czech Republic


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Musei Moraviae Scientiae Geologicae
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

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Keywords palaeontology; Jurassic; Oxfordian; Bohemian Massif; Porifera; Brachiopoda; Bivalvia; Ammonoidea; Echinoidea; Holothuroidea; Selachii; Plesiosauria
Description New Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) fossils from the Hády quarry in Brno (Czech Republic, Moravia) were reported. The studied material was acquired mainly from private collections of local fossil collectors and comprised hundreds of fossils. Identified taxa agrees with determinations published by previous authors, although several taxa were not found on this site before.

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