Publication details

Měkkýší fauna (Gastropoda, Bivalvia) z lokality Mušlov (vídeňská pánev)

Title in English Mollusc fauna (Gastropoda, Bivalvia) from locality Mušlov (Vienna Basin)


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geological Research in Moravia and Silesia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

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Keywords Vienna Basin; Neogene; Badenian; Mušlov; Mollusca; paleontology
Description The Mušlov locality is situated 3.5km ESE from the town of Mikulov and it is a part of the Vienna Basin. On the locality a profile rich in shallow-water middle Miocene (Badenian) fauna was uncovered. Its substantial part was deposited in fine-grained calcareous sand, to a lesser extent the fauna also occurred in pebbles and blocks of gray algal limestones. Mainly stone cores with calcareous and degrading shells were found in the limestones, while in the calcareous sands the fossils were well preserved. A rich set of small fauna from fine-grained sand was obtained by washing of samples. There have been determined 73 spe-cies of Gastropoda and 25 species of Bivalvia. The most abundant species of gastropods are Tricolia eichwaldi, Rissoina podolica, Bittium reticulatum, Gibbula aff. umbilicalis, Jujubinus striatus, Neritina picta and Turritella bicarinata. Among bivalves the most abundand species are Cardites partschi partschi and Linga columbella. Quantity and degree of conservation of fauna indicate minimal transport and slow sedimentation on the sea floor. Based on the found species, the fauna was mainly bound to a fine-grained substrate but there were also species that preferred the solid substrate. The abundant oc-currence living on algal species is evidenced by their rich stands. The fauna lived in the shallow sea with a good oxygenation and a normal salinity. The occurrence of some species documents a warm sea between 20–28 °C.

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