Publication details

Vybraná specifika ochrany soukromí u klinického hodnocení léčiv

Title in English Selected specifics of privacy protection in clinical trials


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference COFOLA 2019 Část X.: Ochrana soukromí a úprava nakládání s informacemi ve zdravotnictví
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web Open access sborníku
Keywords Clinical Trial; Drugs; GDPR; Privacy; Personal Data; Research.
Description Research is a specifc area of health care. In clinical trials, people performing clinical trials deal with a range of sensitive data, which need to be protected. In this relatively narrow area of law, we are confronted with a number of challenges in the area of privacy and information handling. Questions before us are laid by both the General Data Protection Regulation and also the Adoption Act, which has not yet been adopted, to this Regulation. An entirely basic issue is role of controller and processor and title for processing of personal data. I will focus on selected aspects of this issue, which will be discussed in this paper.

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