Publication details

European “Judicial Monologue” of the Czech Constitutional Court – a Critical Review of its approach to the Preliminary Ruling Procedure



Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source International and Comparative Law Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access časopisu
Keywords Czech courts; Czech Constitutional Court; Court of Justice of the European Union; preliminary ruling procedure; judicial dialog; European constitutionalism.
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Description The paper analyses the use of the preliminary ruling procedure by the Czech Constitutional Court and the attitude of this court towards the EU law. The approach of the Constitutional Court to the judicial dialog is also compared with some other European constitutional courts mainly with those who have a similar role in national judiciary or with those who were able to effectively take an advantage of the preliminary ruling procedure. The paper demonstrates that the Czech Constitutional Court took the position that seems to be unsustainable from a long time perspective as the reality of the current development favours the spirit of cooperation among European highest courts.

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