Publication details

Aplikace environmentálního práva EU českými soudy

Title in English Application of EU Environmental Law by the Czech Courts


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Dny práva 2011: Interpretace a aplikace mezinárodního a evropského práva vnitrostátními soudy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Keywords EU environmental law, direct effect, consistent interpretation, consistent interpretation
Description The main focus of the article is to explore the extent to which in the field of EU environmental law Czech national courts, particularly The Supreme Administrative Court, apply in practice the various principles developed by the Court of Justice of the European Union designed to improve the implementation of EU law. The cases where the direct effect doctrine or the doctrine of consistent interpretation of EU environmental law have been raised in relation to EU environmental legislation are analyzed. Several other aspects such as state liability, impact of parallel infringement proceeding by the European Commission or the practice of national courts concerning submissions of questions to the ECJ are discussed as well.

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