Publication details

t-Strong cliques and the degree-diameter problem

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Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Keywords strong edge-coloring; strong clique
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Description For a graph G, L(G)(t) is the t-th power of the line graph of G that is, vertices of L(G)(t) are edges of G and two edges e, f is an element of E(G) are adjacent in L(G)(t) if G contains a path with at most t vertices that starts in a vertex of e and ends in a vertex of f. The t-strong chromatic index of G is the chromatic number of L(G)(t) and a t-strong clique in G is a clique in L(G)(t). Finding upper bounds for the t-strong chromatic index and t-strong clique are problems related to two famous problems: the conjecture of Erdos and NeAetfil concerning the strong chromatic index and the degree/diameter problem. We prove that the size of a t-strong clique in a graph with maximum degree Delta is at most 1.75 Delta(t) + O (Delta t(-1)), and for bipartite graphs the upper bound is at most Delta(t) + O (Delta t(-1)). We also show results for some special classes of graphs: K-1,K-r-free graphs and graphs with a large girth.
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