Publication details

Lékové interakce v gastroenterologii

Title in English Drug interactions in gastroenterology


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta medicinae
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords gastroenterology; drug interactions; adverse reactions; incompatibilities; pharmacodynamic interactions
Description Drug interactions are generally one of the major causes of adverse drug reactions. Side effects Drugs occupy 4. – 6. place on the list of causes of death. The risk of developing an interaction logically increases with the amount of drugs used. Up to 2% of patients taking five different drugs experience an adverse event due to an interaction between them. Patients receiving 6–10 drug types experience interaction in 7% of cases. Approximately 6.7% of hospitalized patients experience some adverse effect of treatment, with up to 19% of patients experiencing at least one potential interaction.
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