Publication details

Marketing spotreby

Title in English Marketing of consumption

KITA Jaroslav KITA Pavol KRIŽAN František BILKOVÁ Kristína KUNC Josef

Year of publication 2019
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description The first part of the monograph focuses on theoretical concepts of marketing, its essence as well as new approaches and trends of marketing development. It is a general introduction to the issue in terms of market segmentation and marketing mix. Characterized is the nature of segmentation, types of segmentation and also market segmentation criteria. In the marketing mix, our focus is on product, price, distribution and marketing communications. In the second part of the monograph we focused on consumption and consumers. We try to find answers to the question “What is consumption?” And how are the changes in consumption reflected in society. We indicate the trends in consumption in general as well as in case studies. Since shopping in shopping centers is a major trend in consumption, the last part of the monograph focuses on shopping centers, their management and marketing. We are discussing the attractiveness of shopping centers and their image. Like retail, shopping centers go through the different stages of the life cycle that are discussed at the end of this section monograph.
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