Publication details

Psoas muscle density in the extensive form of small cell lung cancer



Year of publication 2020
Type Conference abstract
Description Introduction: Psoas density was described as a promising independent predicting factor in various diseases. Decrease of muscle density is caused by infiltration of muscle tissue by fat leading to alteration of its function, while not impairing the muscle volume. New methods describing the severity of cancer could be helpful in tailoring the anti-tumor therapy Methods: We examined 47 patients suffering from small cell lung cancer (mean age 65 yrs, BMI 24 kg/m2, 10 months median survival). Diagnostic CT scans were used to measure average psoas density (PD), total psoas area (TPA) and total abdominal muscle area (TAMA) at level of the 3rd lumbar vertebra. The patients were divided into two groups according to the extensive (ED, n=34) or limited (LD, n=13) form of the disease. Mann-Whitney and Spearman´s correlation were used for statistical testing Results: We observed significant difference in PD (42.5±6.1 vs. 47.7±4.5 HU, p=0.006) between ED vs. LD. We did not see a difference in TPA and TAMA. 9 patients survived more than 16 months that was associated with their higher BMI (27.1±2.7 vs. 24.1±5.4 kg/m2, p=0.05). Significant relationship was observed between survival and performance status (Spearman´s corr., R= -0.39, p=0.05) Conclusion: Our results show that the patients with the extensive form of the disease have significantly lower psoas muscle radiation density in comparison with patients with the limited form. However, the total abdominal muscle area is not affected. To our best knowledge this is the first study describing this correlation Supported by: MUNI/A/1307/2019
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