Publication details

Koncept svobodného evropanství v díle Vladimíra Neuwirtha

Title in English The concept of free Europeanism in the work of Vladimír Neuwirth

BAKEŠ Ondřej

Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description 498/5000 The topic of the conference is closely related to the research of exile. Vladimír Neuwirth (1921-1999), a native of Silesia, was a personality with a cultural, philosophical, theological and historical fundus, where he built his activities after his exile in 1968. He founded the Opus Bonum and Bibliotheca Cyrillo-Methodiana and gave them a distinctive spiritual accent, drawing on the cultural wealth of Central Europe. The concepts of freedom and Europeanism, which this article will focus on, are a natural part of his work.
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