Publication details

Základy respirační fyzioterapie pro praktické lékaře

Title in English Basics of respiratory physiotherapy for general practitioners


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Praktický lékař
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Keywords respiratory physiotherapy – respiratory tract illness
Description Breathing difficulties of patients coming to a general practitioner’s ambulance may have different aetiologies. However, regardless of aetiology, all respiratory diseases have a similar impact in the area of the locomotor system – a change in the breathing stereotype. If a change in the respiratory stereotype persists, mostly within chronic or repeated acute respiratory diseases, a change in the respiratory stereotype may occur in aetiology in the future. Sending patients to respiratory physiotherapy in these cases is still not a standard part of a treatment. Possible reasons can be caused by relatively high occupancy rate of the rehabilitation or due to another treatment and additional burdening the patient. Nevertheless, from the point of view of physiotherapy, there are several completely basic regimes and recommendations that can be put into therapy and positively influencing the outcome of the treatment.

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