Publication details

Vliv fixního ortodontického aparátu na vlastnosti sliny

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Title in English The effect of fixed orthodontic appliance on saliva properties


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Ortodoncie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords saliva; fixed orthodontic appliance
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Description Aim: Assessment of the relationship between fixed appliance adjustment and changes in non-microbial properties of saliva in the sample of patients. The factors assessed: hydration of mucosa with resting salivary flow, pH of unstimulated and stimulated saliva, amount of stimulated saliva and its buffering capacity with a simple and on the market available test. Material and method: The sample included 31 patients (mean age: 14.9±2.3) indicated for orthodontic treatment. All the patients were treated with identical brackets, bands, and adhesive material. Saliva samples were taken prior to fixed appliance adjustment and 6 weeks after the adjustment with GC Saliva-Check Kit (GC Corp., Leuven, Belgium). Results: After beginning of the treatment with fixed orthodontic appliance statistically significant increase in mucosa hydration with resting salivary flow, amount of stimulated saliva and increased pH of saliva were recorded. Conclusion: Fixed appliance affects saliva properties. Saliva production and saliva pH increased. Buffering capacity remains unchanged.
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