Publication details

"Doktor Dulittl", "Doktor Ajbolit" i "Doktor Bolito"

Title in English "Doctor Dolittle", "Doctor Aibolit" and "Doctor Bolito"


Year of publication 2019
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description "The Magic World of Children's Literature: Children's Literature in the Context of World Culture and Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language" is a collective scientific monograph, the result of an international scientific project of the Department of Russian Studies and Language Teaching Methodology, Faculty of Education, Charles University. Although the monograph is written in the Russian language, it considers not only the phenomena of Russian culture, but also of other European cultures. The monograph researches the phenomenon of children's literature both from the perspective of its cross-cultural aspects, which include translations of children's literature and the new life of foreign language texts in the recipient culture, adaptations of classic literary works for children's literature, etc., and from the didactic perspective.

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